1st European Digital Platform Research Network (EU-DPRN) Summit

Milan, Italy  |   8–9 June 2023

The aim of the European Digital Platform Research Network (EU-DPRN) is to consolidate, integrate, and further develop ongoing efforts to advance research on digital platforms and ecosystems. It is meant to provide a forum for European researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing, information systems, economics) to share their latest research and deepen their professional networks.

At the heart of the EU-DPRN summit is a one-day plenary track comprising of paper presentations and feedback, panel discussions, and keynote presentations. The program features a curated set of high-quality papers from a mix of junior and senior faculty. Panels include speakers from inside and outside of academia, including practitioners and regulators. The program affords ample time for socializing, fuelled by Italian food and drink.

The summit further features a one-day PhD Development Workshop to provide opportunities to PhD students to present their work and receive feedback from senior scholars in their field. The workshop program includes a panel consisting of leading scholars and journal editors.

The EU-DPRN summit will be an annual event organized at different European locations.

Confirmed speakers and panelists

Ioanna Constantiou

Copenhagen Business School


Youngjin yoo

Case Western Reserve University

Michael G. Jacobides

London Business School

Tobias Kretschmer

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)

Juan Santaló

IE University

Annabelle Gawer

University of Surrey


Platform competition and competition within platforms

Platform strategies and ecosystems in traditional industries

Ecosystem governance: objectives driving choices and their consequences

Post ATT ecosystem strategies: “content fortresses” vs. disintermediation

Design and organizing principles of platform markets and ecosystems

Decentralised autonomous platforms and the future of the platform business model

Designing for (heterogeneous) network effects

Data strategies for competitive advantage and fair treatment

Co-specialization and standardization in and across ecosystems

Incentives/tradeoffs/effects of antitrust and data regulation on ecosystem dynamics and complementors’ activities



Carmelo Cennamo

Copenhagen Business School, SDA Bocconi


Claudio Panico

Bocconi University


Panos Constantinides

 Alliance Manchester Business School


Joost Rietveld

UCL School of Management



SDA Bocconi School of Management

More details will follow soon

Thanks to our exhibitors and sponsoring members for their continued support.



Participate online or in person at EU-DPRN 23 SUMMIT 
