2nd European Digital Platform Research Network (EU-DPRN) Summit

London, UK |  June 27 & 28, 2024

Hosted by the UCL School of Management 

Event Overview

The aim of the European Digital Platform Research Network (EU-DPRN) is to consolidate, integrate, and further develop ongoing efforts to advance research on digital platforms and ecosystems. It is meant to provide a forum for European researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing, information systems, economics) to share their latest research and deepen their professional networks.

At the heart of the EU-DPRN summit is a one-day plenary track (June, 28)  track comprising of paper presentations and feedback, panel discussions, and keynote presentations. The program features a curated set of high-quality papers from a mix of junior and senior faculty. Panels include speakers from inside and outside of academia, including practitioners and regulators. The program affords ample time for socializing, fuelled by Italian food and drink.

The summit further features a one-day PhD Development Workshop to provide opportunities to PhD students to present their work and receive feedback from senior scholars in their field. The workshop program includes a panel consisting of leading scholars and journal editors.

The EU-DPRN summit is an annual event organized at different European locations.


11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Registration and lunch

1:00 pm - 1:10 pm

Welcome by the organizers

1:10 pm - 2:15 pm

Session 1: Growth Strategies for Emerging Ecosystems

From Core to Portfolio Diversification: Strategic Trajectories of Early Platform Ventures. Shariga Sivanathan (University of Münster)
Platform Extended Ecosystem: Managing Partnerships and Platform Growth. Harsh Dod (Bocconi University)
Digital yet Human? Platform Trade-Offs and Agent Responses at the Last Mile. Aparajita Agarwal (University of Pennsylvania)
Discussant: Melissa Schilling (New York University)

2:15 pm - 3:20 pm

Session 2: Platform Design and Implications

Platform Design Change and User Engagement: A Natural Experiment on Twitter. Chengdi Fa (University of Amsterdam)
Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Leveraging Multihoming Boundary Resources for Mobile App Development. Ziyi Zhao (Temple University)
The Promises and Perils of Self-Disruption: How Firms Probe Platform Potential Amid Ambiguous Market Characteristics. Heinrich-Jakob Wild (University of St. Gallen)
Discussant: JP Vergne (University College London)

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm

Coffee & tea

3:50 pm - 4:55 pm

Session 3: Platform Power and Dominance

Unveiling the Relationship Between Platform Owner Power and Generativity in the Platform Ecosystem. Vincent Heimburg (Dortmund University)
The Timing and Duration of Digital Platform Dominance: An Empirical Study of Financial Trading Platforms. Demetrios Tsingis (Warwick Business School)
Great Power, Little Responsibility: Restoring the Power Imbalance with the P2B Regulation? Helena Verhuyck (University of Antwerp)
Discussant: Joe Ploog (IE University)

4:55 pm - 5:55 pm

Editors’ panel: Publishing Platform Papers

Marco Ceccagnoli (Georgia Institute of Technology), Carmelo Cennamo (Copenhagen Business School), Annabelle Gawer (University of Surrey), Melissa Schilling (New York University)
Chair: Panos Constantinides (Manchester University)

5:55 pm - 6:00 pm

Closing by the organizers

8:30 am - 9:00 am

Registration and light breakfast

9:00 am - 9:10 am

Opening by the organizers and welcome by UCL SoM School Director, Davide Ravasi

9:10 am - 9:30 am

Platform Papers: State of the Literature, Joost Rietveld (University College London)

9:30 am - 10:50 am

Paper session 1: Complementor Power Dynamics

Platform Partnership Programs and Content Supply: Evidence from the YouTube "Adpocalypse". Johannes Loh (VU Amsterdam)
Specialization Versus Experimentation When Choosing Technology Providers: The Impact of Cloud Computing on Startup Growth. Michael Impink (HEC Paris)
Politicized Framing of the Future: Stimulating Innovation in Mature Ecosystems in the Face of Big Tech. Georg Reischauer (WU Vienna University)
Discussant: Tobias Kretschmer (LMU Munich) Chair: Dan Sands (University College London)

10:50 am - 11:10 am

Coffee & tea

11:10 am - 12:30 pm

Paper session 2: Platform Power and Regulation

Power Relations in Transaction Platform Ecosystems: The Case of Aggregating Sellers. Andreas Hein (University of St. Gallen)
Digital-Stack-Based Analysis of Platform Firms’ Acquisition Strategies. Andrey Indukaev (Aalto University)
Empowering Digital Choice: Apple's Uninstallability Shift and its Implications for Platform Regulation. Joey van Angeren (VU Amsterdam)
Discussant: Milan Miric (University of Southern California) Chair: Steve Yoo (University College London)

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Lunch and poster presentations

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm

Best PhD paper presentation

2:20 pm - 3:40 pm

Paper session 3: Ecosystem Information Asymmetries

Organization of Information and the Value Creation-Appropriation Tradeoff. Tony Tong (University of Colorado)
Gender Disparity in Online Reputation: Evidence from an Online Freelance Platform. Mimansa Bairathi (University College London)
Platform Competition and Information Sharing. Georgios Petropoulos (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Discussant: Jan Kraemer (University of Passau) Chair: Bilal Gokpinar (University College London)

3:40 pm - 4:00 pm

Coffee & tea

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Policy panel: Digital Innovation and Regulation—Friends or Foe?

Kristina Barbov (Microsoft), Oliver Latham (Charles River Associates), Tom Smith (Geradin Partners)
Michael Jacobides (London Business School) Chair: Verity Egerton Doyle (Linklaters)

5:00 pm - 5:50 pm

Keynote by Melissa Schilling (New York University)

5:50 pm - 6:00 pm

Closing by the organizers

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Networking drinks and nibbles


Carmelo Cennamo

Copenhagen Business School, SDA Bocconi

Panos Constantinides

 Alliance Manchester Business School

Joost Rietveld

UCL School of Management

Thanks to our sponsoring members for their continued support.